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the dying swan中文是什么意思

用"the dying swan"造句"the dying swan"怎么读"the dying swan" in a sentence


  • 垂死天鹅


  • She went on to ballet , performed at seaside resorts when she was a teenager , and “ danced the dying swan on every pier8 in england , ” she said
    青少年时期,她继续跳芭蕾舞,经常在海滨的度假胜地演出。 "我几乎在英国每一个码头上表演《垂死的天鹅》 " ,她说。
用"the dying swan"造句  


The Dying Swan (originally The Swan) is a ballet choreographed by Mikhail Fokine in 1905 to Camille Saint-Sa?ns's cello solo Le Cygne from Le Carnaval des Animaux as a pièce d'occasion for the ballerina Anna Pavlova. The short ballet follows the last moments in the life of a swan, and was first presented in St.
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